"This fantastic ride through the world of music shows how men, whoever they may be, in terms of origins, traditions or religion, in their voices and instruments, have always shared the same veneration for the horse."
Conditions générales de vente
1 Cavaliers, Amis, En Marche (Cosaques)
2 Oï Piydu Ya (Klezmer)
3 O Rrapi Në Peshkëpi (Albanie)
4 Kam Tî Zyrgi, Kam Tiî Roti (Lettonie)
5 Rera (Croatie)
6 Luth Tanbûr (Kurdistan)
7 Chant Bédouin (Arabie Saoudite)
8 Ayyis (Maroc) 9 Tesnif (Azerbaïdjan)
10 Epopée De Göroghlu (Turkmenistan)
11 Epopée De Djangar (Kalmoukie)
12 Rajastan Ghora (Inde)
13 Ma Vu (Viêt Nam)
14 Tau Ma (Viêt Nam)
Fiche technique